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Установка Jitsi в Docker

Первым делом устанавливаем сервис Nginx Proxy Manager. Ссылка на инструкцию по установке NPM:


С помощью следующей команды скачиваем последний релиз набора конфигураций для установки Jifsi в Docker:

wget $(curl -s | grep 'zip' | cut -d\" -f4)

В выводе будет показан процесс скачивания репозитория с GitHub. В конце появится примерно такая строка:

2024-11-15 17:32:48 (125 KB/s) - «stable-9823» сохранён [381175]

Нам важно то, что в кавычках, в данном случае это stable-9823 (цифры - это номер сборки, с течением времени этот номер увеличивается, поэтому следующий скачаннй релиз может быть с другим номером)

stable-9823 - это название архива с репозиторием, и его нужно распаковать.

Распаковываем так:

unzip stable-9823

После распаковки нужно зайти в текущий каталог и посмотреть название распакованного каталога. Введём команду: 


Среди других каталогов и файлов обратим внимание на следующий каталог:


Это название состоит из неизменяемой части (jitsi-docker-jitsi-meet-), и части с 16-ричным кодом (в данном случае это 19078a9)

Правая часть (с кодом) будет другой после каждого обновления репозитория разработчиками, поэтому ориентируемся на неизменную часть названия. 

Далее копируем полное название каталога и переходим в него:

cd jitsi-docker-jitsi-meet-19078a9

Посмотрим, что есть в этом каталоге, с помощью команды:

ls -a

Вывод будет таким:


Среди каталогов и файлов выделен файл env.evample

Это файл с параметрами, в данном случае он не предназначен для работы, так как Docker его не распознает. Распознаваемый Докером файл должен называться .env
Поэтому копируем содержимое данного файла в новый файл с именем .env

Оставшийся файл нужен для восстановления, в случае неправильных настроек. Команда копирования:

cp env.example .env

Снова вводим команду:

ls -a

И видим, что появился файл .env


В этом файле {.env} есть строки, задающие пароли для некоторых компонентов Jitsi, а точнее для функций этих компонентов. Сейчас переменные присуствуют в файле .env, но значения (пароли в данном случае) у них пустые.

Посмотрим содержимое файла командой:

nano .env

И прокрутим текст вниз до отображения этих параметров:


Как видим, значения действительно пустые. Самостоятельно пароли туда не будем вводить, а используем специальный скрипт. Файл со скриптом называется

Он находится в том же каталоге с репозиторием, где мы сейчас находимся. Код скрипта можно посмотреть, но сейчас важно его просто запустить. Выйдем из программы nano и запустим скрипт следующей командой:


Снова откроем файл:

nano .env

Прокрутим текст до тех же параметров, и видим вот что:


Таким образом, скрипт автоматически сгенерировал пароли для нужных параметров. Генерация происходит случайным образом, поэтому не стоит опасаться, что эти пароли будут генерироваться всегда одинаково.

Выходим из программы nano (клавиши Ctrl-X)

Выходим из каталога с репозиторием на уровень выше:

cd ..

Теперь нужно создать каталоги на хостовой системе для конфигурационных файлов и других данных, которые будут наполняться во время работы Jitsi. Эта команда создаёт каталог .jitsi-meet-cfg (его название имеет вначале точку, а значит этот каталог скрытый), а также несколько подкаталогов внутри него. 

mkdir -p ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/{web,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri}

Команда создаёт каталог .jitsi-meet-cfg в том же каталоге, куда в данный момент указывает терминал. За это отвечают символы ~/

Но иногда советуют создавать этот каталог не в произвольном каталоге, а в каталоге /opt

В этом случае вся команда будет такой: sudo mkdir -p /opt/.jitsi-meet-cfg/{web,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri}

Я запущу прежнюю команду, создающую новый каталог в текущем каталоге.  В итоге появится каталог .jitsi-meet-cfg с большим числом подкаталогов. 


Заходим снова в каталог с репозиторием - jitsi-docker-jitsi-meet-19078a9

Сейчас нужно будет внести правки в файл .env


 в DockerСсылка на установку


Self-Hosting Guide - Docker

Quick start

In order to quickly run Jitsi Meet on a machine running Docker and Docker Compose, follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract the latest release. DO NOT clone the git repository. See below if you are interested in running test images:

    wget $(curl -s | grep 'zip' | cut -d\" -f4)

  2. Unzip the package:

    unzip <filename>

  3. Create a .env file by copying and adjusting env.example:

    cp env.example .env

  4. Set strong passwords in the security section options of .env file by running the following bash script


  5. Create required CONFIG directories

    • For linux:
    mkdir -p ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/{web,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri}

  • For Windows:
echo web,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri | % { mkdir "~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/$_" }

  1. Run docker compose up -d

  2. Access the web UI at https://localhost:8443 (or a different port, in case you edited the .env file).


HTTP (not HTTPS) is also available (on port 8000, by default), but that's e.g. for a reverse proxy setup; direct access via HTTP instead HTTPS leads to WebRTC errors such as Failed to access your microphone/camera: Cannot use microphone/camera for an unknown reason. Cannot read property 'getUserMedia' of undefined or navigator.mediaDevices is undefined.

IMPORTANT: When deploying Jitsi Meet for real use you must set the PUBLIC_URL env variable to the real domain where your setup is running.

If you want to use jigasi too, first configure your env file with SIP credentials and then run Docker Compose as follows:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jigasi.yml up

If you want to enable document sharing via Etherpad, configure it and run Docker Compose as follows:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f etherpad.yml up

If you want to use jibri too, first configure a host as described in Jitsi Broadcasting Infrastructure configuration section and then run Docker Compose as follows:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jibri.yml up -d

or to use jigasi too:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jigasi.yml -f jibri.yml up -d

For the log analysis project, you will need both log-analyser.yml and grafana.yml files. This project allows you to analyze docker logs in grafana. If you want to run the log analyzer, run the Docker files as follows:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f log-analyser.yml -f grafana.yml up -d

Follow this document for detailed information on log analysis.


If you want to update, simply run

wget $(curl -s | grep 'zip' | cut -d\" -f4)

again (just like how you initially downloaded Jitsi). Then unzip and overwrite all when being asked:

unzip <filename>

Testing development / unstable builds

Download the latest code:

git clone && cd docker-jitsi-meet


The code in master is designed to work with the unstable images. Do not run it with release images.

Run docker compose up as usual.

Every day a new "unstable" image build is uploaded.

Building your own images

Download the latest code:

git clone && cd docker-jitsi-meet

The provided Makefile provides a comprehensive way of building the whole stack or individual images.

To build all images:


To build a specific image (the web image for example):

make build_web

Once your local build is ready make sure to add JITSI_IMAGE_VERSION=latest to your .env file.

Security note

This setup used to have default passwords for internal accounts used across components. In order to make the default setup secure by default these have been removed and the respective containers won't start without having a password set.

Strong passwords may be generated as follows: ./ This will modify your .env file (a backup is saved in .env.bak) and set strong passwords for each of the required options. Passwords are generated using openssl rand -hex 16 .

DO NOT reuse any of the passwords.


A Jitsi Meet installation can be broken down into the following components:

  • A web interface
  • An XMPP server
  • A conference focus component
  • A video router (could be more than one)
  • A SIP gateway for audio calls
  • A Broadcasting Infrastructure for recording or streaming a conference.

The diagram shows a typical deployment in a host running Docker. This project separates each of the components above into interlinked containers. To this end, several container images are provided.

External Ports

The following external ports must be opened on a firewall:

  • 80/tcp for Web UI HTTP (really just to redirect, after uncommenting ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT=1 in .env)
  • 443/tcp for Web UI HTTPS
  • 10000/udp for RTP media over UDP

Also 20000-20050/udp for jigasi, in case you choose to deploy that to facilitate SIP access.

E.g. on a CentOS/Fedora server this would be done like this (without SIP access):

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10000/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

See the corresponding section in the debian/ubuntu setup guide.


  • base: Debian stable base image with the S6 Overlay for process control and the Jitsi repositories enabled. All other images are based on this one.
  • base-java: Same as the above, plus Java (OpenJDK).
  • web: Jitsi Meet web UI, served with nginx.
  • prosody: Prosody, the XMPP server.
  • jicofo: Jicofo, the XMPP focus component.
  • jvb: Jitsi Videobridge, the video router.
  • jigasi: Jigasi, the SIP (audio only) gateway.
  • jibri: Jibri, the broadcasting infrastructure.

Design considerations

Jitsi Meet uses XMPP for signaling, thus the need for the XMPP server. The setup provided by these containers does not expose the XMPP server to the outside world. Instead, it's kept completely sealed, and routing of XMPP traffic only happens on a user-defined network.

The XMPP server can be exposed to the outside world, but that's out of the scope of this project.


The configuration is performed via environment variables contained in a .env file. You can copy the provided env.example file as a reference.

CONFIGDirectory where all configuration will be stored/opt/jitsi-meet-cfg
TZSystem Time ZoneEurope/Amsterdam
HTTP_PORTExposed port for HTTP traffic8000
HTTPS_PORTExposed port for HTTPS traffic8443
JVB_ADVERTISE_IPSIP addresses of the Docker host (comma separated), needed for LAN environments192.168.1.1
PUBLIC_URLPublic URL for the web service

The mobile apps won't work with self-signed certificates (the default). See below for instructions on how to obtain a proper certificate with Let's Encrypt.

TLS Configuration

Let's Encrypt configuration

If you want to expose your Jitsi Meet instance to the outside traffic directly, but don't own a proper TLS certificate, you are in luck because Let's Encrypt support is built right in. Here are the required options:

ENABLE_LETSENCRYPTEnable Let's Encrypt certificate generation1
LETSENCRYPT_DOMAINDomain for which to generate the
LETSENCRYPT_EMAILE-Mail for receiving important account notifications (mandatory)

In addition, you will need to set HTTP_PORT to 80 and HTTPS_PORT to 443 and PUBLIC_URL to your domain. You might also consider to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS by setting ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT=1.

Let's Encrypt rate limit warning: Let's Encrypt has a limit to how many times you can submit a request for a new certificate for your domain name. At the time of writing, the current limit is five new (duplicate) certificates for the same domain name every seven days. Because of this, it is recommended that you disable the Let's Encrypt environment variables from .env if you plan on deleting the .jitsi-meet-cfg folder. Otherwise, you might want to consider moving the .jitsi-meet-cfg folder to a different location so you have a safe place to find the certificate that already Let's Encrypt issued. Or do initial testing with Let's Encrypt disabled, then re-enable Let's Encrypt once you are done testing.


When you move away from LETSENCRYPT_USE_STAGING, you will have to manually clear the certificates from .jitsi-meet-cfg/web.

For more information on Let's Encrypt's rate limits, visit:

Using existing TLS certificate and key

If you own a proper TLS certificate and don't need a Let's Encrypt certificate, you can configure Jitsi Meet container to use it.

Unlike Let's Encrypt certificates, this is not configured through the .envfile, but by telling Jitsi Meet's web service to mount the following two volumes:

  • mount /path/to/your/cert.key file to /config/keys/cert.key mount point
  • mount /path/to/your/cert.fullchain file to the /config/keys/cert.crt mount point.

Doing it in docker-compose.yml file should look like this:

            - /path/to/your/cert.fullchain:/config/keys/cert.crt
            - /path/to/your/cert.key:/config/keys/cert.key

Features configuration (config.js)

TOOLBAR_BUTTONSConfigure toolbar buttons. Add the buttons name separated with comma(no spaces between comma) 
HIDE_PREMEETING_BUTTONSHide the buttons at pre-join screen. Add the buttons name separated with comma 
ENABLE_LOBBYControl whether the lobby feature should be enabled or not1
ENABLE_AV_MODERATIONControl whether the A/V moderation should be enabled or not1
ENABLE_PREJOIN_PAGEShow a prejoin page before entering a conference1
ENABLE_WELCOME_PAGEEnable the welcome page1
ENABLE_CLOSE_PAGEEnable the close page0
DISABLE_AUDIO_LEVELSDisable measuring of audio levels0
ENABLE_NOISY_MIC_DETECTIONEnable noisy mic detection1
ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMSEnable breakout rooms1

Jigasi SIP gateway (audio only) configuration

If you want to enable the SIP gateway, these options are required:

JIGASI_SIP_URISIP URI for incoming / outgoing
JIGASI_SIP_PASSWORDPassword for the specified SIP account<unset>
JIGASI_SIP_SERVERSIP server (use the SIP account domain if in doubt)
JIGASI_SIP_PORTSIP server port5060

Display Dial-In information

DIALIN_NUMBERS_URLURL to the JSON with all Dial-In numbers
CONFCODE_URLURL to the API for checking/generating Dial-In codes

The JSON with the Dial-In numbers should look like this:

{"message":"Dial-In numbers:","numbers":{"DE": ["+49-721-0000-0000"]},"numbersEnabled":true}

Recording / live streaming configuration with Jibri



If you want to enable Jibri these options are required:

ENABLE_RECORDINGEnable recording / live streaming1

Extended Jibri configuration:

JIBRI_RECORDER_USERInternal recorder user for Jibri client connectionsrecorder
JIBRI_RECORDER_PASSWORDInternal recorder password for Jibri client connections<unset>
JIBRI_RECORDING_DIRDirectory for recordings inside Jibri container/config/recordings
JIBRI_FINALIZE_RECORDING_SCRIPT_PATHThe finalizing script. Will run after recording is complete/config/
JIBRI_XMPP_USERInternal user for Jibri client connections.jibri
JIBRI_STRIP_DOMAIN_JIDPrefix domain for strip inside Jibri (please see env.example for details)muc
JIBRI_BREWERY_MUCMUC name for the Jibri pooljibribrewery
JIBRI_PENDING_TIMEOUTMUC connection timeout90

Jitsi Meet configuration

Jitsi-Meet uses two configuration files for changing default settings within the web interface: config.js and interface_config.js. The files are located within the CONFIG/web/ directory configured within your environment file.

These files are re-created on every container restart. If you'd like to provide your own settings, create your own config files: custom-config.js and custom-interface_config.js.

It's enough to provide your relevant settings only, the docker scripts will append your custom files to the default ones!


Authentication can be controlled with the environment variables below. If guest access is enabled, unauthenticated users will need to wait until a user authenticates before they can join a room. If guest access is not enabled, every user will need to authenticate before they can join.

If authentication is enabled, once an authenticated user logged in, it is always logged in before the session timeout. You can set ENABLE_AUTO_LOGIN=0 to disable this default auto login feature or you can set JICOFO_AUTH_LIFETIME to limit the session lifetime.

ENABLE_AUTHEnable authentication1
ENABLE_GUESTSEnable guest access1
AUTH_TYPESelect authentication type (internal, jwt or ldap)internal
ENABLE_AUTO_LOGINEnable auto login1
JICOFO_AUTH_LIFETIMESelect session timeout value for an authenticated user3 hours

Internal authentication

The default authentication mode (internal) uses XMPP credentials to authenticate users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to internal, then configure the settings you can see below.

Internal users must be created with the prosodyctl utility in the prosody container. In order to do that, first, execute a shell in the corresponding container:

docker compose exec prosody /bin/bash

Once in the container, run the following command to create a user:

prosodyctl --config /config/prosody.cfg.lua register TheDesiredUsername meet.jitsi TheDesiredPassword

Note that the command produces no output.

To delete a user, run the following command in the container:

prosodyctl --config /config/prosody.cfg.lua unregister TheDesiredUsername meet.jitsi

To list all users, run the following command in the container:

find /config/data/meet%2ejitsi/accounts -type f -exec basename {} .dat \;

Authentication using LDAP

You can use LDAP to authenticate users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to ldap, then configure the settings you can see below.

LDAP_URLURL for ldap connectionldaps://
LDAP_BASELDAP base DN. Can be empty.DC=example,DC=domain,DC=com
LDAP_BINDDNLDAP user DN. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind.CN=binduser,OU=users,DC=example,DC=domain,DC=com
LDAP_BINDPWLDAP user password. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind.LdapUserPassw0rd
LDAP_FILTERLDAP filter.(sAMAccountName=%u)
LDAP_AUTH_METHODLDAP authentication method.bind
LDAP_VERSIONLDAP protocol version3
LDAP_TLS_CIPHERSSet TLS ciphers list to allowSECURE256:SECURE128
LDAP_TLS_CHECK_PEERRequire and verify LDAP server certificate1
LDAP_TLS_CACERT_FILEPath to CA cert file. Used when server certificate verification is enabled/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
LDAP_TLS_CACERT_DIRPath to CA certs directory. Used when server certificate verification is enabled./etc/ssl/certs
LDAP_START_TLSEnable START_TLS, requires LDAPv3, URL must be ldap:// not ldaps://0

Authentication using JWT tokens

You can use JWT tokens to authenticate users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to jwt, then configure the settings you can see below.

JWT_APP_IDApplication identifiermy_jitsi_app_id
JWT_APP_SECRETApplication secret known only to your tokenmy_jitsi_app_secret
JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS(Optional) Set asap_accepted_issuers as a comma separated listmy_web_client,my_app_client
JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES(Optional) Set asap_accepted_audiences as a comma separated listmy_server1,my_server2
JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER(Optional) Set asap_keyserver to a url where public keys can be found>
JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY(Optional) Allow anonymous users with no JWT while validating JWTs when provided0
JWT_AUTH_TYPE(Optional) Controls which module is used for processing incoming JWTstoken
JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE(Optional) Controls which module is used for validating JWTstoken_verification

This can be tested using the debugger. Use the following sample payload:

  "context": {
    "user": {
      "avatar": "",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": ""
  "aud": "my_jitsi_app_id",
  "iss": "my_jitsi_app_id",
  "sub": "meet.jitsi",
  "room": "*"

Authentication using Matrix

For more information see the documentation of the "Prosody Auth Matrix User Verification" here.

MATRIX_UVS_URLBase URL to the matrix user verification service (without ending slash)
MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER(optional) The issuer of the auth token to be passed through. Must match what is being set as iss in the JWT.issuer (default)
MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN(optional) user verification service auth token, if authentication enabledchangeme
MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS(optional) Make Matrix room moderators owners of the Prosody room.1

Authentication using Hybrid Matrix Token

You can use Hybrid Matrix Token to authenticate users. It supports Matrix and JWT Token authentications on the same setup. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to hybrid_matrix_token, then configure the settings you can see below.

For more information see the documentation of the "Hybrid Matrix Token" here.

MATRIX_UVS_URLBase URL to the matrix user verification service (without ending slash)
MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER(optional) The issuer of the auth token to be passed through. Must match what is being set as iss in the JWT. It allows all issuers (*) by default.my_issuer
MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN(optional) user verification service auth token, if authentication enabledmy_matrix_secret
MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS(optional) Make Matrix room moderators owners of the Prosody room.1
MATRIX_LOBBY_BYPASS(optional) Allow Matrix room members to bypass Jitsi lobby check.1
JWT_APP_IDApplication identifiermy_jitsi_app_id
JWT_APP_SECRETApplication secret known only to your tokenmy_jitsi_app_secret
JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY(Optional) Allow anonymous users with no JWT while validating JWTs when provided0

External authentication

TOKEN_AUTH_URLAuthenticate using external service or just focus external auth window if there is one already.{room}>

Shared document editing using Etherpad

You can collaboratively edit a document via Etherpad. In order to enable it, set the config options below and run Docker Compose with the additional config file etherpad.yml.

Here are the required options:

ETHERPAD_URL_BASESet etherpad-lite URL

Transcription configuration

If you want to enable the Transcribing function, these options are required:

ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONSEnable Jigasi transcription in a conference1
GC_PROJECT_IDproject_id from Google Cloud Credentials 
GC_PRIVATE_KEY_IDprivate_key_id from Google Cloud Credentials 
GC_PRIVATE_KEYprivate_key from Google Cloud Credentials 
GC_CLIENT_EMAILclient_email from Google Cloud Credentials 
GC_CLIENT_IDclient_id from Google Cloud Credentials 
GC_CLIENT_CERT_URLclient_x509_cert_url from Google Cloud Credentials 
JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_RECORD_AUDIOJigasi will record audio when transcriber is ontrue
JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_SEND_TXTJigasi will send transcribed text to the chat when transcriber is ontrue
JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_ADVERTISE_URLJigasi will post an url to the chat with transcription filetrue

For setting the Google Cloud Credentials please read> section "Before you begin" paragraph 1 to 5.

Sentry logging configuration

VariableDescriptionDefault value
JVB_SENTRY_DSNSentry Data Source Name (Endpoint for Sentry project)https://public:private@host:port/1
JICOFO_SENTRY_DSNSentry Data Source Name (Endpoint for Sentry project)https://public:private@host:port/1
JIGASI_SENTRY_DSNSentry Data Source Name (Endpoint for Sentry project)https://public:private@host:port/1
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENTOptional environment info to filter eventsproduction
SENTRY_RELEASEOptional release info to filter events1.0.0

TURN server configuration

Configure external TURN servers.

VariableDescriptionDefault value
TURN_CREDENTIALSCredentials for TURN servers 
TURN_HOSTTURN server hostnames as a comma separated list (UDP or TCP transport) 
TURN_PORTTURN server port (UDP or TCP transport)443
TURN_TRANSPORTTURN server protocols as a comma separated list (UDP or TCP or both)tcp
TURNS_HOSTTURN server hostnames as a comma separated list (TLS transport) 
TURNS_PORTTURN server port (TLS transport)443

Advanced configuration

These configuration options are already set and generally don't need to be changed.

VariableDescriptionDefault value
XMPP_DOMAINInternal XMPP domainmeet.jitsi
XMPP_AUTH_DOMAINInternal XMPP domain for authenticated
XMPP_SERVERInternal XMPP server name
XMPP_BOSH_URL_BASEInternal XMPP server URL for BOSH module
XMPP_MUC_DOMAINXMPP domain for the
XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAINXMPP domain for the internal
XMPP_GUEST_DOMAINXMPP domain for unauthenticated
XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAINDomain for the jibri
XMPP_MODULESCustom Prosody modules for XMPP_DOMAIN (comma separated)info,alert
XMPP_MUC_MODULESCustom Prosody modules for MUC component (comma separated)info,alert
XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULESCustom Prosody modules for internal MUC component (comma separated)info,alert
GLOBAL_MODULESCustom prosody modules to load in global configuration (comma separated)statistics,alert
GLOBAL_CONFIGCustom configuration string with escaped newlinesfoo = bar;\nkey = val;
RESTART_POLICYContainer restart policydefaults to unless-stopped
DISABLE_HTTPSHandle TLS connections outside of this setup0
LOG_LEVELControls which logs are output from prosody and associated modulesinfo
ENABLE_HSTSSend a strict-transport-security header to force browsers to use a secure and trusted connection. Recommended for production use.1
ENABLE_IPV6Provides means to disable IPv6 in environments that don't support it1
ENABLE_COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_UNSAFE_REGEXEnabled older unsafe regex for JVB colibri-ws URLs. WARNING: Enable with caution, this regex allows connections to arbitrary internal IP addresses and is not recommended for production use. Unsafe regex is defined as [a-zA-Z0-9-\._]+0
COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP_NAMEDNS name to look up JVB IP address, used for default value of COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEXjvb
COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEXOverrides the colibri regex used for proxying to JVB. Recommended to override in production with values matching possible JVB IP rangesdefaults to dig $COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP_NAME unless DISABLE_COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP is set to true

Advanced Prosody options

VariableDescriptionDefault value
PROSODY_RESERVATION_ENABLEDEnable Prosody's reservation REST APIfalse
PROSODY_AUTH_TYPESelect authentication type for Prosody (internal, jwt or ldap)AUTH_TYPE
PROSODY_ENABLE_METRICSEnables the http_openmetrics module which exposes Prometheus metrics at /metricsfalse
PROSODY_METRICS_ALLOWED_CIDRCIDR block permitted to access metrics172.16.0.0/12

Advanced Jicofo options

VariableDescriptionDefault value
JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRETXMPP component password for Jicofos3cr37
JICOFO_AUTH_USERXMPP user for Jicofo client connectionsfocus
JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORDXMPP password for Jicofo client connections<unset>
JICOFO_ENABLE_AUTHEnable authentication in JicofoENABLE_AUTH
JICOFO_AUTH_TYPESelect authentication type for Jicofo (internal, jwt or ldap)AUTH_TYPE
JICOFO_AUTH_LIFETIMESelect session timeout value for an authenticated user24 hours
JICOFO_ENABLE_HEALTH_CHECKSEnable health checks inside Jicofo, allowing the use of the REST api to check Jicofo's statusfalse

Advanced JVB options

VariableDescriptionDefault value
JVB_AUTH_USERXMPP user for JVB MUC client connectionsjvb
JVB_AUTH_PASSWORDXMPP password for JVB MUC client connections<unset>
JVB_STUN_SERVERSSTUN servers used to discover the server's public,,
JVB_PORTUDP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge10000
JVB_COLIBRI_PORTCOLIBRI REST API port of JVB exposed to localhost8080
JVB_BREWERY_MUCMUC name for the JVB pooljvbbrewery

Advanced Jigasi options

VariableDescriptionDefault value
JIGASI_HEALTH_CHECK_SIP_URIHealth-check extension 
JIGASI_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVALHealth-check interval300000
JIGASI_XMPP_USERXMPP user for Jigasi MUC client connectionsjigasi
JIGASI_XMPP_PASSWORDXMPP password for Jigasi MUC client connections<unset>
JIGASI_BREWERY_MUCMUC name for the Jigasi pooljigasibrewery
JIGASI_PORT_MINMinimum port for media used by Jigasi20000
JIGASI_PORT_MAXMaximum port for media used by Jigasi20050

Running behind NAT or on a LAN environment

When running running in a LAN environment, or on the public Internet via NAT, the JVB_ADVERTISE_IPS env variable should be set. This variable allows to control which IP addresses the JVB will advertise for WebRTC media traffic. It is necessary to set it regardless of the use of a reverse proxy, since it's the IP address that will receive the media (audio / video) and not HTTP traffic, hence it's oblivious to the reverse proxy.


This variable used to be called DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS but it got renamed for clarity and to support a list of IPs.

If your users are coming in over the Internet (and not over LAN), this will likely be your public IP address. If this is not set up correctly, calls will crash when more than two users join a meeting.

The public IP address is attempted to be discovered via STUN. STUN servers can be specified with the JVB_STUN_SERVERS option.


Due to a bug in the docker version currently in the Debian repos (20.10.5), Docker does not listen on IPv6 ports, so for that combination you will have to manually obtain the latest version.

Split horizon

If you are running in a split horizon environemt (LAN internal clients connect to a local IP and other clients connect to a public IP) you can specify multiple advertised IPs by separating them with commas:


Offline / airgapped installation

If your setup does not have access to the Internet you'll need to disable STUN on the JVB since discovering its own IP address will fail, but that is not necessary on that type of environment.


Accessing server logs

The default bahavior of docker-jitsi-meet is to log to stdout.

While the logs are sent to stdout, they are not lost: unless configured to drop all logs, Docker keeps them available for future retrieval and processing.

If you need to access the container's logs you have multiple options. Here are the main ones:

  • run docker compose logs -t -f <service_name> from command line, where <service_name> is one of web, prosody,jvb, jicofo. This command will output the logs for the selected service to stdout with timestamps.
  • use a standard docker logging driver to redirect the logs to the desired target (for instance syslog or splunk).
  • search docker hub for a third party docker logging driver plugin
  • or write your own driver plugin if you have a very specific need.

For instance, if you want to have all logs related to a <service_name> written to /var/log/jitsi/<service_name> as json output, you could use docker-file-log-driver and configure it by adding the following block in your docker-compose.yml file, at the same level as the image block of the selected <service_name>:

        image: ...
            driver: file-log-driver
                fpath: "/jitsi/<service_name>.log"

If you want to only display the message part of the log in json format, simply execute the following command (for instance if fpath was set to /jitsi/jvb.log) which uses jq to extract the relevant part of the logs:

sudo cat /var/log/jitsi/jvb.log | jq -r '.msg' | jq -r '.message'

Build Instructions

Building your images allows you to edit the configuration files of each image individually, providing more customization for your deployment.

The docker images can be built by running the make command in the main repository folder. If you need to overwrite existing images from the remote source, use FORCE_REBUILD=1 make.

If you are on the unstable branch, build the images with FORCE_REBUILD=1 JITSI_RELEASE=unstable make.

You are now able to run docker compose up as usual.

Running behind a reverse proxy

By default this setup is using WebSocket connections for 2 core components:

  • Signalling (XMPP)
  • Bridge channel (colibri)

Due to the hop-by-hop nature of WebSockets the reverse proxy must properly terminate and forward WebSocket connections. There 2 routes require such treatment:

  • /xmpp-websocket
  • /colibri-ws

With nginx, these routes can be forwarded using the following config snippet:

location /xmpp-websocket {
    proxy_pass https://localhost:8443;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
location /colibri-ws {
    proxy_pass https://localhost:8443;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

In addition we need a route for /http-bind as XMPP over BOSH is still used by mobile clients:

location /http-bind {
    proxy_pass https://localhost:8443;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

With apache, mod_proxy and mod_proxy_wstunnel need to be enabled and these routes can be forwarded using the following config snippet:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    <IfModule mod_proxy_wstunnel.c>
        ProxyTimeout 900
        <Location "/xmpp-websocket">
            ProxyPass "wss://localhost:8443/xmpp-websocket"
        <Location "/colibri-ws/">
            ProxyPass "wss://localhost:8443/colibri-ws/"
        <Location "/http-bind">
            ProxyPass "http://localhost:8443/http-bind"

where https://localhost:8443/ is the url of the web service's ingress.

Disabling WebSocket connections


This is not the recommended setup.

If using WebSockets is not an option, these environment variables can be set to fallback to HTTP polling and WebRTC datachannels: